Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Tale of Two Moms

The other day I was flipping through some channels on my HD-TV when I landed on one of those mom switching shows. Being a student of human beings and their strange behaviors I decided to watch the show. What I observed playing out was both heart warming and heart rending, it was truly a tale of two moms.

The first mom I saw I would refer to as the “Silent-warm-strong” type (SWS). She has 7 children from about that many nationalities. Which tells me her and her husband have a big heart for children and adoption. When she had to leave all her children, for two weeks, they were hugging and telling her how sad they would be while she was gone. A home of warmth and love radiated from this couple.

The second mom I saw I would refer to as the “Loud-embarrassing-controlling” type (LEC). This lady had 4 teenagers ranging from 18 to about 12. When it was time for her to leave on the experiment two of the four were outside to send her off. The other two were busy playing video games and text-messaging their friends. Faces tell many things about people and all her teen’s faces had a look of apathy pasted on them. They did not care that she was leaving; actually they admitted to the camera that they were glad she would be gone because they needed a break from all the yelling. How tragic and sad for children to feel this way about their mom.

The SWS mother came to her “new” husband and kids will smiles and warmth. What did they do? They just stared and did not say a word. They were not use to someone treating them with warmth and respect. To make a long story short, by the end of the two weeks all the children in that home had blossomed and were smiling. It was as if the winter had passed and the wonderful freshness of spring had appeared.

The LEC mother came to her “new” husband and kids with loud, stupid comments. The kids looked at each other and wondered who is this strange woman. As the two weeks wore on she made fun of them and embarrassed them numerous times. They were starting to look like turtles that pull into their shells because of danger.

Sitting back and watching the influence of each of these mothers spoke to me deeply. One mother (SWS) brought freshness and warmth while the other mother (LEC) brought staleness and coldness. I stepped back and asked myself which parent am I? Which parent are you? The neat thing is that each mom got to go home with their newfound lessons learned by walking a few miles in another’s shoes. The SWS mom was greeted with cards and hugs from her entire family. Only her husband greeted the LEC mom. Her kids were too “busy” to come out and see their mom, whom they have not seen in two weeks.

If you went out of town for a while who would be at your front door?

Would it be your entire family or nobody?

The choice is yours!